After School Terms
ECFITNESS will require the child's parents to provide a credit or debit card we will use to auto bill for any payments. Once your child has been enrolled in our after-school program billing will continue regardless of your child's attendance, this includes holidays and spring break. In order to discontinue billing, we require a notice via 1 month prior to billing being stopped. When you submit your cancellation request 2 weeks of dues will be charged in addition to the most recent week that was paid. To get your card on file simply see a staff member at the front counter and they will process your information in the system. Summer Camps will be bill based off the selected camp or camps you chose. Example: if you pay for a week long camp and decided to take you child out for 2 days you will be billed the full amount of the camp. After payment is made no refund will be given. During the school year your account will be charged each week regardless of your child's attendance or holiday/vacation scheduling.
Behavioral Situations
We operate on a 3 strikes policy. If the staff notes behavior problems x3(whether written or verbal) we reserve the right to cancel your child's enrollment. We also reserve the right to cancel enrollment over any single behavioral problem that is deemed egregious. If a cancellation occurs 2 weeks of dues plus the current week will be charged to your account.
Illness or Sickness
Please make sure that your child has been fever free or sever illness free for 24 hours before you return them to our program. If you child should become sick during after school we will contact you so pickup arrangements can be made
Holidays and Teacher work Days and Inclement Weather
We will mirror Pitt County Holiday Schedule and inclement weather schedule. Meaning if Pitt County Schools are closed for a Holiday or inclement weather we will follow their action.
On scheduled Teacher Work days and scheduled early outs we will offer all day camps.
Please provide your child with an afternoon snack. We have a water fountain that is kids height.
Parents must provide their child with the desired booster seat.
Pick Up from School
If you child will not be picked up from school on a certain day we need communication on this.
If we do not receive notification from the parent your acct will be charged a $25 service fee.
Release/Waiver Acknowledgement
The enrollee is aware in making this agreement to participate In training or physical fitness that certain elements of this training are physically demanding and potentially dangerous, and with this knowledge agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from all losses caused by accident or injury by the instructor, his assistant or any 3rd parties who may be enrollees or the said third party is injured in any way during the execution of techniques or instruction provided in this training. The enrollee attests that he or she is in good physical condition and has no known or suspected medical conditions that would preclude training activity. As part of consideration for participation, the enrollee acknowledges and assumes all the risks and wishes to enroll in the course of instruction.
By signing at the bottom of this document it confirms that you have read and agree to the Terms/Policy and Waiver. 252-493-6630